Lower Neches WMA: Hunting

Phone: (409) 736-2551
10 Parks & Wildlife Dr.
Port Arthur, TX 77640

Contact: Michael Rezsutek

Dates Open:

The WMA is open for fishing and other recreational activities from September 1 to October 31 and February 1 through August 31. The WMA is closed to fishing and other recreational activities November 1 through January 31 except for waterfowl hunting each day during the Early Teal Season and of the South Zone Duck Season as established for Orange County. See the Public Hunting Lands booklet or go to Annual Public Hunting What You Need to Know for the days and times units are open for hunting during the waterfowl season.


Hunting Permitted

Wildlife Management Areas have rules and regulations for hunting not required on private property. Hunters must possess a valid hunting license, the appropriate tags and stamps, as well as the proper public hunting permit. Permits include: Annual Public Hunting Permit (APH), computer drawn Special Permits, and the Regular Permit, which allows daily small game hunting on some areas. Hunters 16 years of age and younger are not required to have a hunting permit, but must have a hunting license and be supervised by a licensed, permitted adult, 18 years of age or older. Hunters and non-hunters must wear hunter orange during daylight hours at any time when firearm hunting for any species is authorized on the unit (except turkeys, waterfowl, and dove). For more details see the rules page for this WMA, the Summary of Fishing and Hunting Regulations and Public Hunting Lands Information and Maps.

Annual Public Hunting Permit Hunts

All hunting is by Annual Public Hunting Permit (APH). Check the Outdoor Annual for hunt dates and bag limits. The Special Regulations for hunting on these units and other Access Rules to these units are listed in the Public Hunting Lands booklet published annually.

Regular and Youth Hunts for Legal Game is offered on these two units:

Waterfowl Hunting Season - Regulations, Dates and Bag Limits

  • Public hunting is permitted for waterfowl, woodcock, rail, snipe, and gallinule on designated areas.
  • For current information on hunting waterfowl in Texas, refer to Migratory Game Bird Regulations.
  • Youth Hunt Information and Regulations.
  • Waterfowl: Shooting hours end at noon. Hunting is allowed each day of the Early Teal, South Duck Zone, and East Goose Zone seasons.