Common Snook (Centropomus undecimalis)

Garold W. Sneegas ©
- Other Names
- Robalo, Saltwater Pike, Sergeant Fish
- Description
- Game fish - see bag & size limits
Snook have long, convcave snouts with jutting underjaws. The lateral line is pigmented and distinct, extending well into the tail. Coloration ranges from dark brown on back to silvery on the sides and white below. The two dorsal fins are well separated. - Life History
- Spawning occurs in June or July in the Gulf and probably around passes. Snook Are tropical fish that visit when Texas water are warm enough. They spend time in both fresh and saltwater, never far from seawater when they're up river and never far from freshwater water when they're in the Gulf.
- Habitat
- The range of snook is largely determined by water temperature. Adults concentrate in Gulf passes and around pilings or other underwater structures and sometimes run up rivers and into lakes. Periodic blizzards decimate populations of this tropical species and the presence of young fish is revealed by stunted individuals struggling at the surface.
- Distribution
- Lower Gulf coast in Texas and in tropical Gulf waters of Mexico
- How To Catch
- The snook is a vicious feeder and a strong fighter when hooked. Captures do not reflect actual numbers present but experienced anglers make good catches by using long poles and dangling live shrimp along pilings in clear water. They eat other fish, crabs and shrimp.
- Where To Catch
- Snook are most often caught in the lower Laguna Madre near pilings or other underwater structure.
- How To Eat
- Snook is a fine food fish and can be cooked as other bony fish.