Get Involved
There are many ways to participate in the Texas Nature Trackers Program depending on your interests and where you live. Here are the best ways to engage:
Join Texas Nature Trackers Projects on iNaturalist
Whether you stay in your backyard, or travel the state in search of wild plants and animals, our projects are a great way to document your observations and learn more about them. TNT projects are curated by experts, and the data is used to prioritize our research and conservation efforts throughout the state.
Note: The iNaturalist app has replaced the Texas Nature Trackers App. Download iNaturalist for your device: iNaturalist for iOS and iNaturalist for Android.
Participate in the City Nature Challenge
The annual Texas City Nature Challenge is a multi-day global bioblitz event focused on our urban areas.
Attend a TNT Workshop
TNT staff give presentations and workshops throughout the state. During our TNT Workshops and Events we provide opportunities to learn techniques in the field from experts on how to participate in our projects, including how to use iNaturalist.
Learn Your Target Species
Target Species are our highest priority for research and you can help us by locating populations. Learn what the Target species are for your ecoregion, study their habitats and range, and see if you can rediscover a lost population.
Compile a Missing Species Report
Conduct your own research on what is missing in your county. Take a species group like plants or reptiles and look up what has been documented in the past. Compare that with what has been documented in the last ten or twenty years. What is missing? Can you document a missing species? Can you see a pattern? Present your findings to your local naturalist group.
Monitor a Population
For "Species of Greatest Conservation Need", we track data on the status of each population. If there is a population of a high priority species in your area, you can commit to monitor the population. A monitoring project requires a TPWD advisor and a commitment of at least two years.