Contact Information
Texas Nature Trackers
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX 78744
(800) 792-1112 ext. 8062
Texas Nature Trackers: Texas Hummingbird Roundup

Texas Hummingbird Round Up Program was conceived in 1994 as a 5-year project to learn more about hummingbird distribution. Through the efforts of many people we were able to summarize 20 years of data. The link to the final report is below. We invite you to continue documenting hummingbirds through our Birds of Texas iNaturalist Project.
Thank you for being a citizen scientist!
Hummingbird Roundup Report
Texas Hummingbird Roundup Final Report | PDF
Ways to contribute to further our understanding of Texas Hummingbirds
- Record your Texas hummingbird sightings.
- Share your photos in the Birds of Texas iNaturalist Project.
- Share your photos and hummingbird observations in eBird.
- Participate in Audubon’s Hummingbirds at Home project.