Coastal Plains Loop

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Village of Oyster Creek Municipal Park
UTC 107

This site is open for day use only.

From Surfside travel west on TX 332 to FM 523, then go north on FM 523 to Village of Oyster Creek Municipal Park.

These woodlands, situated along Oyster Creek, are worth checking for migrants as you travel toward Brazoria NWR. Red-shouldered Hawks are often seen perched on the power poles around the parking area. Look for Belted Kingfishers along Oyster Creek.

Latitude: 29.01397
Longitude: -95.32839

Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge
UTC 108

Call ahead, access to the site is restricted; visitation may be arranged by contacting the managing entity at the address and telephone number provided.

Travel north on FM 523 to CR 227, then east on CR 227 to Brazoria NWR.

The refuge consists of nearly 50,000 acres of coastal grassland, bluestem prairie, mud flats, fresh and salt water marshes, and a bewildering assortment of potholes, lakes, and streams. The observation platform overlooking Teal Pond allows close views of the waterfowl (geese, Sandhill Cranes) congregations there. Also, walk the nature trail across Big Slough, behind the visitor's pavilion. Wood Storks are common during the late summer and fall in the impoundments along the driving loop. In addition to the remarkable diversity of waterbirds and waterfowl that reside here, this refuge contains over 5,000 acres of native bluestem prairie. In this grassland look for Sedge Wrens and Le Conte's, Henslow's, and Grasshopper sparrows. White-tailed Kites and White-tailed Hawks frequent the prairies in winter. In wet years, Black Rails can be heard calling along the road to Salt Lake and Seaside Sparrows are common here. The tidal flats at low tide often overflow with shorebirds.

(979) 964-4011

Latitude: 29.06511
Longitude: -95.31889

Camp Mohawk County Park
UTC 109

This site is open for day use only.

From Angleton - Go north TX-35N for approximately 14 miles. Turn left onto Camp Mohawk Park Dr. and continue for approximately 0.2 miles. The destination will be on the right.

From Alvin: Head south Head south on TX-35 BUS W/S Gordon St toward W Sidnor St and continue on TX-35 S/TX-35 Loop for 4.5 miles. Turn right onto Camp Mohawk Park Dr. for approximately 0.2 miles. The destination will be on the right.

110 CR 193 Alvin, TX 77511 

Camp Mohawk is fifty-five acres of heavily wooded forest, the only native pine forest in Brazoria County, and it is situated on Chocolate Bayou. In addition to the pines, the woods contain maples, elms, hickories, willows, and at least six types of oak trees. Over 150 species of birds have been sighted at Camp Mohawk, including many types of migratory songbirds as well as water birds and raptors. Twenty species of butterflies have been seen at Camp Mohawk, and it features many types of wildflowers. Many reptiles make Camp Mohawk their home including all of Texas’ venomous snakes and the American alligator.

(281) 756-2319
(877) 226-7664

Latitude: 29.335212
Longitude: -95.288603


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