Frequently Asked Questions
Nongame Wildlife
How can I keep ants and wasps away from my hummingbird feeders?Ants can be very effectively restricted from dining at the feeders by installing an "ant moat," which fits on the hanging wire or string. A moat can be made using an old plastic prescription bottle or the upturned cap of a shaving foam can. Poke a hole in the bottom of the bottle or cap, and thread the hanging wire or sting up through the hole so that the cap acts like a cup. Fill in the hole around the wire or string with hot glue (used for craft projects, loaded with non-toxic glue) and let set. Hang the feeder back up and fill the cup with an inch of water or vegetable oil (oil used because it does not evaporate quickly). Using a bee guard, which can be found at a very reasonable price at many bird-feeding shops and even discount superstores, can discourage wasps and bees. Bees and wasps will have a more difficult time finding your feeder when you rinse the outside of the bottle and feeding ports before hanging the feeder outside.