South Texas Wildlife Management

Soil Management (Plow)

Have you ever noticed that the first plants to return in a plowed, scraped, or otherwise disturbed area are weeds? Exposed to air, light, and water, seeds that were lying dormant in the soil begin to germinate following soil disturbance. These young, succulent plants are high in nutrient value and attract a variety of wildlife species. South Texas soils typically are deep, loamy sands conducive to tillage by the farm plow. Topography is generally flat to gently rolling as opposed to the steep, rocky draws and bottoms of the Edwards Plateau where soils are highly erodible. Thus, soil tillage is another useful tool when promoting the growth of desirable wildlife foods.

For more information on food plots, see Deer Management in the South Texas Plains.

Disking is a good management tool notice the forbs in the disced strip partridge pea responds to disking