Video Conference Backgrounds
Working remotely? Would you like to bring the Texas Outdoors into your video meetings? Choose from our selection of virtual backgrounds for Zoom and other video conference applications. These backgrounds are free for your personal use.*
Download virtual backgrounds.
Files sizes range from 1.1 to 2.2MB.
* Texas Parks and Wildlife Virtual Backgrounds are free for your personal, non-commercial use. Use of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) Virtual Backgrounds is granted to private individuals and educational institutions for personal and educational use only. Individuals and organizations are NOT given rights to use the photos for commercial purposes. The photos should not be sold, used to endorse a product or service, used on merchandise, used to solicit donations, used in advertisements, nor any commercial purpose not specifically stated. Virtual Background photos may not be used as web design elements nor appear on commercial websites. Removal of the TPWD copyright notice on Virtual Backgrounds is prohibited.