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TPWD News Releases

Aug. 16, 2004

Texas Giving Away Gun Safety Locks to Hunters

AUSTIN, Texas — As part of a nationwide firearms safety initiative called Project ChildSafe, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is giving away 80,000 gun safety locks to hunters.

Master Naturalist Program Seeks Applicants

AUSTIN, Texas — Twelve chapters of the Texas Master Naturalist program are offering fall training classes for volunteers who want to learn about and help conserve the state’s natural resources.

Aug. 9, 2004

Boating Safety Reminders for All

UNDATED — Since the Memorial Day week kick-off of boating season, Texas Parks and Wildlife game wardens have been out in full force attempting to make Texas waters safer.

Step Back in Time at Castroville Pioneer Day

CASTROVILLE, Texas — The folks at Landmark Inn State Historic Site invite you to step back in time to the mid 1800s and experience Castroville Pioneer Day on Sept. 18.

Aug. 2, 2004

Construction Starts on New State Park Near Weslaco

WESLACO, Texas — Views across the restored wetlands of the World Birding Center at Estero Llano Grande State Park will be a special treat for visitors here soon. Construction began July 28 on a new 2,800-square-foot visitor center, trails, an observation deck and other amenities.

Admiral Nimitz State Historic Site Remains Open Despite Hotel Renovations

FREDERICKSBURG, Texas — The Nimitz Hotel museum at the Admiral Nimitz State Historic Site-National Museum of the Pacific War in Fredericksburg will be closed for renovations beginning July 31. However, all other facilities located on the campus will remain open to the public.

July 26, 2004

Texas Master Naturalist Program Spreads Nationwide

AUSTIN, Texas—Approximately 30 states are interested in developing citizen volunteer training projects using the Texas Master Naturalist program as a framework, according to a new coordinator hired by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to help spread the movement nationwide.

July 12, 2004

Experts Dispel Drowning Myths, Stress Safety Tips

AUSTIN, Texas — Contrary to what’s portrayed in movies, drowning victims usually don’t scream and splash when in distress — they just go underwater.

July 6, 2004

Environmental Learning Center To Serve Urban Houston

HOUSTON — Construction has begun on the first phase of a multi-million dollar project to build new student facilities and transform former fish hatchery ponds into a model environmental education center at Sheldon Lake State Park in northeast Houston.

Falfurrias Students Use Goliad as Springboard to Smithsonian

AUSTIN, Texas — Three Falfurrias High School students took their award- winning history project to the top this summer to compete at the National Championship of the National History Day Program in Washington D.C.