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TPWD News Releases

Feb. 14, 2005

Land Trust Conference Set for Feb. 24-26 in Austin

AUSTIN, Texas – At a population of 20 million and growing, Texans are building more roads, buildings and houses and as land disappears, open lands preservation and wildlife habitat conservation become increasingly important.

Jan. 31, 2005

Redfish Bay Scientific Area Extension Proposed

ROCKPORT, Texas — The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is planning a new approach to protect ecologically important seagrass beds in coastal bays from propeller-scarring by recreational boats. Scientists believe this propeller scaring is causing long-term damage in some areas.

TPW Commission Awards More Than $6 Million in Grants

AUSTIN, Texas — The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission approved a total of $6,578,497 for two boat ramp grants, 11 local park grants and one indoor recreation project grant.

Jan. 18, 2005

‘Most Diverse Game Warden Class Ever’ Starts

AUSTIN, Texas – The 51st Game Warden Cadet Class, which reported for duty Jan. 2, is the most diverse group of game warden cadets the state has ever had.

Meeting Set About Managing Private Impoundments for Better Fishing

CONROE, Texas — Managing Private Impoundments for Better Fishing will be the goal of ‘Bass 102’ scheduled for March 19 at the Lone Star Convention Center.

Jan. 10, 2005

Co-Op Grants Fund Programs to Make Science Fun

AUSTIN, Texas — According to the 2003 statewide Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) summary reports, more Texas students are underperforming when it comes to science in schools. The latest round of 15 grants totaling $394,266 from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department may help address that issue and promote outdoor recreation and wildlife conservation.

Jan. 3, 2005

Webcast To Follow School Wagon Train History Project

AUSTIN, Texas — Students and history buffs of all ages can follow along Jan. 4-27 via the Internet as dozens of school students from California and Texas board horse-drawn wagons to retrace the route of gold rush adventurer William P. Huff.

Dec. 13, 2004

Public Help Sought To Name Oxen at Living History Farm

WASHINGTON, Texas – The staff at Barrington Living History Farm is seeking the public’s help in naming twin Pineywoods bull calves born at Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site.

Master Naturalist Program Seeks Applicants

AUSTIN, Texas – Twenty chapters of the Texas Master Naturalist program are conducting spring training classes for volunteers wanting to learn about natural resource and conservation management.

Dec. 6, 2004

TPWD Game Warden Field Notes, Dec. 6, 2004

The following are excerpts from recent Texas Parks and Wildlife Department law enforcement reports.