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TPWD News Releases

May 23, 2013

TPW Commission Approves Land Acquisition to Benefit Lesser Prairie Chicken

AUSTIN- The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission has approved the acquisition of more than 3,000 acres of lesser prairie chicken habitat as an addition to the Yoakum Dunes Preserve in the Texas Panhandle, which is dedicated to the conservation of this iconic grasslands species.

April 23, 2013

Texas and Louisiana Fisheries Agencies File Joint Lawsuit Challenging Red Snapper Emergency Rule

AUSTIN – Late yesterday, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) and the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) and its commission joined together to file a lawsuit in United States District Court in Brownsville, Texas challenging an emergency regulation enacted by the federal National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) that, if left in place, would allow the NMFS regional administrator to significantly reduce the recreational red snapper season in federal waters off the coasts of Texas and Louisiana.

March 27, 2013

Lesser Prairie-Chicken Aerial Survey Begins 2nd Year

LUBBOCK – This month, wildlife experts are starting the second annual aerial survey to assess lesser prairie-chicken populations across five states, part of a multi-state collaboration to conserve the bird, as federal authorities consider whether to list it as a threatened species. New this year: oil and gas companies have committed $150,000 to help fund aerial survey work.

Feb. 26, 2013

Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission Mulls Options on Red Snapper Issue

AUSTIN – The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission received a briefing from staff on the state’s red snapper fishery as well as recent action by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council that is likely to shorten this year’s recreational fishing season in federal waters.

Feb. 19, 2013

Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission to Meet on Red Snapper Issue

AUSTIN – The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission will hold a special meeting in Austin on Feb. 26 to discuss recent events and options involving the Gulf of Mexico red snapper fishery.

Feb. 4, 2013

TPWD Proposes Changes to Mule Deer, Pronghorn Seasons

AUSTIN — The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is considering an experimental landowner controlled harvest pronghorn buck season. Wildlife officials are also proposing an extension of mule deer season under Managed Lands Deer Permits as part of recommended changes to the 2013-14 Statewide Hunting Proclamation.

Jan. 11, 2013

New Devils River Access Permit Process Takes Effect Feb. 1

AUSTIN – Beginning Feb. 1, any paddler planning to put in or take out of the Devils River on public lands managed by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in Val Verde County must first obtain a permit from TPWD.

Jan. 2, 2013

TPWD Scoping Potential Coastal Fisheries Regulations

AUSTIN — The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) has scheduled three public scoping meetings next week to gather input about possible regulation changes for 2013-14. The scoping items include incorporation of a rule regarding recreational possession limit, clarification of fish harassment rules, bonus red drum tag requirement changes and new possession rules in state waters for aquatic resources in excess of federal limits.

Dec. 20, 2012

TPWD Seeks Input on Possible Coastal Fisheries Regulation Changes

AUSTIN — The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) has scheduled three public scoping meetings in January to gather input about possible regulation changes for 2013-14. The scoping items include incorporation of a rule regarding recreational possession limit, clarification of fish harassment rules, bonus red drum tag requirement changes and new possession rules in state waters for aquatic resources in excess of federal limits.

Sept. 25, 2012

TPWD Gearing Up for CWD Response during Deer Season

AUSTIN – Wildlife officials are asking mule deer hunters and landowners in far West Texas to familiarize themselves with new protocols developed as part of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s (TPWD) Chronic Wasting Disease response plan. The plan includes mandatory check stations for harvested mule deer taken inside the CWD Containment Zone, which covers portions of Hudspeth and El Paso counties. See map of CWD zones at