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TPWD News Releases

Feb. 9, 2004

Proposal Would Exempt New Hunters From Education

AUSTIN, Texas – If you’ve ever had to turn down an invite to go hunting because you didn’t have time to take a hunter education course or if someone you’ve asked to go hunting has had to back out for the same reason, there may soon be a solution.

Heart of Texas-West Wildlife Trail Map Available

AUSTIN, Texas — Nature tourists seeking the best spots in south and central Texas to see wildflowers, birds, bats, butterflies and other natural wonders this spring may want to pick up the companion Heart of Texas Wildlife Trail maps to guide them to prime viewing locations along the trail’s eastern and western branches.

2004 Texas Big Game Awards College Scholarships Now Available

SAN ANTONIO - Applications for the 4th annual Texas Big Game Awards (TBGA) Wildlife Conservation College Scholarship Program are now available. The $500 scholarships sponsored by Carter’s Country Outdoor Stores will be available for the 2004-05 school year. Any entering college freshman (graduating high school senior), or entering college sophomore or entering college junior pursuing any field of study is eligible to apply for one of the more than 30 available scholarships.

TPWD Game Warden Field Notes, Feb. 9, 2004

The following are excerpts from recent Texas Parks and Wildlife Department law enforcement reports.

Stay Tuned, Feb. 9, 2004

Information from Texas Parks and Wildlife is available on radio and television, as well as the newsstand.

Feb. 2, 2004

New Fishing Stamp Triggers Need To Revamp Licenses

AUSTIN, Texas – The creation of a new freshwater fishing stamp by the last Texas Legislature was designed to defray costs of fish hatchery construction and repair, but it also created an opportunity for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to revamp its licensing structure to better serve anglers’ needs.

TPWD Proposing More Eastern Turkey Hunting

AUSTIN, Texas – Turkey hunters in East Texas could be looking at a month-long spring season and opportunities in additional counties beginning in 2005 if proposals by state wildlife biologists pass muster.

Feeding of Wildlife Banned In Texas State Parks

AUSTIN, Texas – Following the lead of other states and America’s national parks, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission voted Thursday to amend state code to prohibit visitors from feeding wildlife in Texas State Parks.

TPW Commission Awards Almost $7 Million in Grants

AUSTIN, Texas –The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission approved $6,726,082 in grants Jan. 29 for Outdoor Recreation, Indoor Recreation and Boat Ramp projects, benefiting 14 communities across the state.

TPWD Reorganization To Support Water Conservation

AUSTIN, Texas – The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is merging its Resource Protection Division into other field divisions, a move agency leaders say will allow it to better focus on critical water resource issues.