Shocking Story From Lake Alan Henry
ATHENS, Texas–Largemouth bass weighing 13 pounds or more are so rare only 385 have been entered into the Budweiser ShareLunker program over the past 19 years.
ATHENS, Texas–Largemouth bass weighing 13 pounds or more are so rare only 385 have been entered into the Budweiser ShareLunker program over the past 19 years.
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s Coastal Fisheries Division will host a symposium at the Omni Bayfront Hotel here Nov. 17-18 celebrating 30 years of continuous monitoring of the state’s marine fisheries. The agency is seeking input on how to conduct operations for the next 30 years.
AUSTIN, Texas — Count among the losses from Hurricane Rita more than 100 brood fish crucial to the state’s marine hatchery production efforts at Sea Center Texas. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is scrambling to replace those losses and is looking for help from experienced anglers.
AUSTIN, Texas — Wildlife and fisheries biologists with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department say the full impacts on natural resources from Hurricane Rita may not be realized for some time, but assessments in East Texas and along the upper coast in recent weeks indicate substantial damage to some ecosystems.
ATHENS, Texas–The Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center will be closed for repairs Nov. 28, 2005, through Jan. 2, 2006.
SAN MARCOS, Texas — Scientists, policy makers, water managers and interested citizens will gather at Texas State University here Oct. 31-Nov. 2 to discuss how to ensure adequate environmental flows for Texas rivers and streams and freshwater inflows into bays and estuaries along the Texas coast.
ATHENS, Texas — Big bass nerds everywhere take note: Information about entries in the Budweiser ShareLunker program can now be searched online.
AUSTIN, Texas — As Hurricane Rita was bearing down on the Texas coast, those who work to protect coastal estuaries had occasion to ponder the value of wetlands to absorb storm impacts and control flooding. As it happened, Sept. 24 was National Estuary Day.
ROCKPORT, Texas — The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is proposing mandatory seagrass protection measures for the Redfish Bay State Scientific Area to protect ecologically important seagrass beds from motorboat propeller scarring.
AUSTIN, Texas — Close to 200 Texas game wardens were on patrol Monday to help maintain order and safety in East Texas, particularly in southeastern counties most affected by Hurricane Rita this past weekend. Meanwhile, five Texas state parks near the Louisiana border were heavily damaged by the hurricane, many others sustained moderate damage and some 20 state parks are still closed as teams assess damage.