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TPWD News Releases

Oct. 31, 2005

Panhandle Boasts Boom Quail Production

AUSTIN, Texas — Quail are famous for their “boom and bust” cycles. In other words, in good years there are a lot of quail, in poor years there aren’t any. In the Panhandle region of Texas, this is more than just a good year for quail — it’s an awesome year for quail!

Oct. 27, 2005

Youth Only Hunting Weekend Full of Opportunity

AUSTIN, Texas — Passing the hunting tradition through the generations and providing opportunities for young hunters this fall are the goals of special youth-only seasons.

Oct. 24, 2005

Conditions Bode Well for Deer Hunting Success

AUSTIN, Texas — Dry range conditions across much of Texas heading into the general deer season should bode well for hunters looking to fill their tags, according to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department biologists.

Wildlife Experts Advise Hunters About Avian Flu

AUSTIN, Texas — State and federal wildlife experts say the chance of people in Texas encountering wild migratory birds with HPAI H5N1 avian influenza this year is remote. However, authorities are launching proactive efforts to detect the disease if it comes to North America and they’re advising hunters about game bird handling to reduce general disease risks.

Oct. 17, 2005

Biologists Assess Resource Damage From Hurricane Rita

AUSTIN, Texas — Wildlife and fisheries biologists with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department say the full impacts on natural resources from Hurricane Rita may not be realized for some time, but assessments in East Texas and along the upper coast in recent weeks indicate substantial damage to some ecosystems.

San Pedro Ranch Wins Range Management Award

AUSTIN, Texas — The San Pedro Ranch owned by Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission Chairman Joseph Fitzsimons and his family has received the 2005 Outstanding Rangeland Stewardship Award from the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Assoc. and the Texas Section of the Society for Range Management.

Oct. 7, 2005

Quail Hunting Outlook Bright for Parts of Texas

AUSTIN, Texas — Quail hunters have enjoyed the rewards of ideal range conditions and above normal bird production during the last couple of years. Although hunting prospects are still favorable heading into the 2005-06 season, they probably won't measure up to recent years in a few locales where it has gotten dry over the summer.

Video Can Help Hunters ID Whooping Cranes This Fall

AUSTIN, Texas — The endangered whooping crane may be the state's most famous "winter Texan." This year as biologists and bird-watchers anticipate the arrival of another record population on the Texas coast, Texas Parks and Wildife Department is offering a new tool for sportsmen to help protect whooping cranes and other similar birds.

Oct. 3, 2005

Hunter Education Courses Filling Up, Deferral an Option

AUSTIN, Texas — Despite offering 4,400 hunter education courses throughout the year, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department understands there are some who will still wait until the last minute before hunting season to get certified. This fall, those procrastinators need not panic.

Sept. 27, 2005

After Rita, State Parks Dig Out, Game Wardens Patrol East Texas

AUSTIN, Texas — Close to 200 Texas game wardens were on patrol Monday to help maintain order and safety in East Texas, particularly in southeastern counties most affected by Hurricane Rita this past weekend. Meanwhile, five Texas state parks near the Louisiana border were heavily damaged by the hurricane, many others sustained moderate damage and some 20 state parks are still closed as teams assess damage.