Genco Opens Battle of San Jacinto Site to Archaeologists

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Note: This item is more than 19 years old. Please take the publication date into consideration for any date references.

Houston — Texas Genco, LLC has reached an agreement in principle with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to clear the way for archeological research on a parcel of company property believed to contain artifacts from the Battle of San Jacinto.

That battle was fought 169 years ago today, pitting General Sam Houston’s Texian army against Mexican troops commanded by Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna.

“While the battle of San Jacinto lasted only about 20 minutes, it was one of the most important and decisive military clashes in Texas and, therefore, U.S. History. At Texas Genco, we’re thrilled to be able to open up company property to detailed archeological research that might provide historians more information about this seminal moment in the life of our state and nation,” said Texas Genco Vice-President Don McArthur.

“The chance to study this part of the battlefield not managed by TPWD is a tremendous opportunity to increase our knowledge of the battle’s end. We hope to find patterns of artifacts that will show us the route of the Mexican Army’s flight across the east Texas prairie and marshes, and we certainly appreciate Texas Genco helping us in our research,” said Michael Strutt, Director of Cultural Resources for TPWD. “This information will help us to better interpret the battle for the public.” Strutt also noted that Texas Parks and Wildlife is working closely with the Port of Houston Authority to conduct archeological survey on their lands adjacent to Texas Genco’s power line right of way.

The property lies principally to the south of the main battlefield, on land that is part of Texas Genco’s S.R. Bertron power plant site. Texas Genco intends to provide researchers access to the property for an archeological dig as well as any other research activities that are deemed warranted.

According to McArthur, “We intend to work with the Parks and Wildlife Department to make sure archeologists have access to the land and can learn everything possible from it.”