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Note: This item is more than 19 years old. Please take the publication date into consideration for any date references.

Information from Texas Parks and Wildlife is available on radio and television, as well as the newsstand.


Passport to Texas, TPWD’s radio series of weekday, 90-second stories, is broadcast on more than 100 Texas stations. For more information, visit the Web.

Video News

TPWD provides video news reports that run in newscasts on numerous Texas stations, as well as on cable and satellite outlets around the nation.

For more information, go to the Web.


Texas Parks & Wildlife” is a weekly half-hour television series seen on PBS affiliates around the state. Airing May 15-22, biologists in Texas and Nebraska are using radio telemetry to track and study pintail ducks. Dave Morrison, the Waterfowl Program Leader for TPWD is spearheading the research project here in Texas; park ranger John Tatum gives us a tour of the Spanish mission at Mission Tejas State Park; birds and their beaks are this weeks ‘Wild Things’ topic with host Ann Miller; wildlife biologist Rick Taylor of Uvalde says the black bear is slowly returning to its native West Texas range; and finally, watch as the Golden Silk spider spins its web.

For more information about this week’s programs and where they can be viewed, visit the Web.


Texas Parks & Wildlife magazine is always available on newsstands throughout the state and by subscription for $19.95 a year. To subscribe, call (800) 937-9393 or order online.

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