Master Naturalist Program Seeks Applicants

Tom Harvey, 512-389-4453,

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Note: This item is more than 18 years old. Please take the publication date into consideration for any date references.

AUSTIN, Texas— Twenty chapters of the Texas Master Naturalist program are conducting spring training classes for volunteers wanting to learn about natural resource and conservation management.

The Texas Master Naturalist program, with 38 chapters located across the state aims to develop a corps of well-informed citizen volunteers who educate their communities about the management of natural resources. The main qualification needed to become a Certified Texas Master Naturalist is an interest in learning and playing an active part in conservation.

Volunteers will receive a minimum of 40 hours training from educators and specialists from places such as universities, natural resource agencies, nature centers and museums. Training topics include interpretation and management of natural resources, ecological concepts, eco-regions in Texas and natural systems management. Volunteers are expected to give 40 hours of service a year in community education, demonstration and habitat enhancement projects.

They are also expected to pursue a minimum of eight hours of advance training in areas of personal interest.

Texas Master Naturalist Chapters offering volunteer training this spring are listed with contact information. Enrollment is limited in most chapters. Some registration deadlines are fast approaching so contact a chapter near you to see if seating is still available.

  • Abilene—Big Country Chapter. Training begins April 2 with a registration deadline of March 20. Contact 325-672-6048 or email: for details.
  • Amarillo—Panhandle Chapter. Training is being planned for a class to begin in February. For more information, phone 806-676-1483 or email:
  • Austin—Capital Area Chapter. The spring class is full but the chapter maintains a waiting list of prospective members. To be added to the wait-list contact
  • Bay City—Mid-Coast Chapter. Class begins February 17 with a registration deadline of February 1. For details contact or call 361-750-3679.
  • Brenham—Gideon Lincecum Chapter (Austin, Colorado, Fayette and Washington Counties). Classes start on February 3 with the registration deadline being February 2. Contact or telephone 936-878-1988 for details.
  • Burnet—Highland Lakes Chapter. Training begins March 1 and registration is accepted until the class is full. More information is available by emailing
  • Conroe/Huntsville—Heartwood Chapter. Training begins March 10 and the application deadline is March 1. For information contact: or phone 281-381-3281.
  • Clarksville—Red River Chapter. Class orientation is scheduled for April 14 and the registration deadline for this northeast Texas chapter on April 28. For additional information contact:
  • Dallas—North Texas Chapter. Classes begin February 13. The registration deadline is January 12. Telephone 972-964-3506 or email: for details.
  • El Paso—Trans Pecos Chapter. Spring training begins February 21 and registration is due February 14. For specific information call 915-842-0346 or email and list Master Naturalist training in the subject header.
  • Galveston—Galveston Bay Area Chapter. Training begins on March 1 with February 15 being the registration deadline. For complete details phone 281-534-3413, ext.3 or email:
  • Harlingen—Rio Grande Valley Chapter. Classes begin February 7 with a registration deadline on January 25. Call 956-364-1410 or email:
  • Houston—Gulf Coast Chapter. Classes begin February 26 and the registration deadline is set for February 12. Telephone 713-781-9553 or email: for more information.
  • Junction—Western Edwards Plateau Chapter members will host an open house on February 13 and begin classes on March 13. The registration deadline is February 16. For details contact or telephone 325-475-2271.
  • Lubbock—South Plains Chapter. Training will begin on March 1 and registration is due by February 15. More information is available at or telephone 806-785-5079.
  • Navasota — Cinco Tierra Chapter. The chapter is in the process of organizing and plans to host the first training class in the spring of 2007. For details about the progress and plans contact or call 936-825-9242.
  • Plano—Blackland Prairie Chapter. The chapter is sponsoring an open house on January 31 and classes begin on February 14. Applications are due February 12. For complete details call 214-538-4444 or email:
  • San Antonio—Alamo Area Chapter. Classes start March 15 with a registration deadline on February 15. For information phone 210-698-2397 or email:
  • Tyler—East Texas Chapter. Classes begin January 20 with a registration deadline on January 6. Contact 903-566-9394.
  • Wichita Falls—Rolling Plains Chapter. Training begins in March 20 and registration is due by March 9. For details contact Mark Howell at 940-766-2383 or

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and Texas Cooperative Extension co-sponsor the Texas Master Naturalist Program statewide. For more information about existing chapters or forming a new chapter contact Sonny Arnold, Assistant Program Coordinator, 111 Nagle Hall, 2258, TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-2258. Call (979)458-1099 or email: