TPWD Sets Public Hearings on Fee Increases, Dove Rule Proposals

Steve Lightfoot, 512-389-4701,

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Note: This item is more than 15 years old. Please take the publication date into consideration for any date references.

AUSTIN, Texas — The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is inviting input on a series of proposals to increase fees and alter dove hunting season frameworks during upcoming public hearings around the state.

TPWD is conducting 21 public hearings to present recommendations seeking a modest $2-$4 bump in license and boat registration/titling fees. The department says the fee increase is necessary to address critical needs.

Under the proposed increase, hunting licenses would go from the current price of $23 to $25, while the popular Super Combo all-inclusive license would increase from $64 to $68. Fishing packages would increase by $2.

The vast majority of boat owners in Texas would also see only a small increase in boat registration and titling fees under the proposal. Biennial boat registration for vessels less than 16 feet in length would increase from $30 to $32 and those in the 16-26 foot range would go from $50 to $53.

Two exceptions pertain to larger craft. Those vessels 26-40 feet in length would increase by $40 and 40-foot-plus vessels would go up by $110. These larger increases are necessary because the department has been undercharging for these larger boats for many years in comparison with smaller boats, especially when considering the fee as a percentage of boat size and value.

Changes proposed for the 2009-10 Texas dove season include a 70 day season and 15 bird daily bag statewide, pending adoption of federal guidelines. Additionally, the department is advancing a proposal to move the South Zone opening to the Friday nearest Sept. 20, but no earlier than Sept. 17, which means it will open on Sept. 18 this year if approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in late June.

The proposed dove season in the North and Central Dove Zones would run Sept. 1-Oct. 25 and reopen Dec. 26-Jan. 9, with a 15-bird bag and not more than two white-tipped doves.

Also during the public comment period, TPWD will be scoping calendar options for the additional 10 days of hunting in the North Zone for the 2010-11 season.

The proposed South Zone dove season would run Sept. 18-Nov. 3, reopening Dec. 26-Jan. 17 with a 15 bird bag and not more than two white-tipped doves. Possession limit is twice the daily bag for all migratory game birds except light geese which currently does not have a possession limit.

The Special South Texas Whitewing Area would open to white-winged dove afternoon-only (noon to sunset) hunting Sept. 5-6 and 12-13 and reopen Sept. 18-Nov. 3 and again from Dec. 26-Jan. 13. The daily bag limit is 12 birds, not more than four mourning doves during the first two weekend splits and two white-tipped doves. Once the general season opens the aggregate bag limit will be 15.

The Service is also reviewing a proposal to give TPWD the option to adjust a portion of the boundary of the special whitewing area. This potential change would remove portions of Jim Hogg and Starr counties. These areas are not as high a quality white-winged dove habitat as other portions of the area. If removed, these portions would fall under the South Zone dates and bag. TPWD plans to hold a public hearing prior to the May 27 commission meeting to evaluate public support of this proposal.

TPWD is proposing no changes to other early migratory game bird seasons other than to reflect calendar shifts.

If Texas gets a 16-day September teal season, the dates would be Sept. 12-27, while a nine-day season would run Sept. 19-27.

The proposed season for rail and gallinule is Sept. 12-27 and Oct. 31-Dec. 23; for snipe, Oct. 31-Feb. 14; and for woodcock, Dec. 18-Jan. 31.

The public is invited to comment on these proposals by visiting the TPWD Web site or by writing TPWD Public Comment, attn. Robert Macdonald, 4200 Smith School Rd., Austin, TX 78744 or email

TPWD Public Hearing Schedule

All meetings are set for 7 p.m.

April 27

  • Lubbock, Lubbock County Courthouse, Commissioners Courtroom, 904 Broadway.

April 28

  • Corpus Christi, Texas A&M Corpus Christi, Natural Resource Bldg., Room 1003, 6300 Ocean Dr.

April 29

  • Waco, McLennan County Courthouse, 1st Floor Commissioners Courtroom, 501 Washington St.
  • Laredo, Camp Huisache, E. Hwy. 59.

April 30

  • El Paso, State Bldg., Room 179, 401 E. Franklin.

May 1

  • Houston, Eddie Gray Wetlands Center, 1724 Market St., Baytown.
  • Kerrville, Upper Guadalupe River Authority Lecture Hall, 125 Lehman Dr.

May 4

  • Midland, Martin Luther King Community Center, 2300 Butternut Ln.
  • Bay City, Bay City Service Center, 2105 Avenue M.

May 5

  • Ozona, Crockett County Courthouse, 909 Avenue D.

May 6

  • Tyler, Smith County Courthouse, Central Jury Room, 100 N. Broadway.
  • Brownsville, Cameron County Courthouse, 3rd Floor, 974 E. Harrison.

May 7

  • Abilene, Abilene/Taylor County Law Enforcement Center, 450 Pecan St.

May 8

  • Dallas, Bass Pro Shop, (downstairs conference room) 5001 Bass Pro Drive.

May 11

  • Amarillo, Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Center, 6500 Amarillo Blvd. W.
  • Beaumont, Annex 1 Bldg., Ste. 200, 1225 Pearl.

May 12

  • Wichita Falls, Times Record News Special Meeting Room, 1301 Lamar St.

May 13

  • Lufkin, Angelina County Courthouse, District Courtroom, 215 E. Lufkin Ave.
  • Hebbronville, Jim Hogg County Courthouse, District Courtroom, 2nd Floor, 102 E. Tilley.

May 14

  • Alpine, Sul Ross University, Range Animal Science Bldg., Room 130, Hwy. 90 E.

May 15

  • San Antonio, National Shooting Complex Clubhouse, 5931 Roft Rd.