Artist Exhibitors Sought for “Art’s Better Outside” Expo in Athens

Media Contact: James Booker, (903) 670-2266; icle__media__contact">Media Contact: James Booker, (903) 670-2266;

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Note: This item is more than 14 years old. Please take the publication date into consideration for any date references.

ATHENS—The Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center and Wildlife Forever invite artists to show, sell and demonstrate their art on Saturday, July 17, 2010, at the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center in Athens, 75 miles southeast of Dallas.

The art show and sale will be in conjunction with the Wildlife Forever State-Fish Art Contest national expo, which will be attended by student artists from around the nation.

Artists are encouraged to actively demonstrate their craft or offer a hands-on art-related activity for the visiting public.

To learn more about becoming involved in the event, please contact Jim Booker at (903) 670-2266, or e-mail

For information on the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center and the Wildlife Forever State-Fish Art Contest, visit