Texas State-Fish Art Contest Winners Announced
May 1, 2012
Larry Hodge, 903-676-2277, larry.hodge@tpwd.texas.gov
Note: This item is more than 12 years old. Please take the publication date into consideration for any date references.
ATHENS—Officials at the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center have announced the winners of the Texas division of the Wildlife Forever State-Fish Art Contest.
The annual contest is open to all Texas students in public, private and home schools and is judged in four grade-level divisions: K–3, 4–6, 7–9 and 10–12. First-place winners in each grade-level division advance to the national competition. National winners will be announced at the Wildlife Forever State-Fish Art Contest Expo to be held in Little Rock, Arkansas, in June.
The Toyota Texas Bass Classic funds cash prizes for Texas winners: $1,000 for first place, $750 for second place and $500 for third place in the 10–12 division. Prizes in the K–3, 4–6 and 7–9 grade levels are $100 for first; $75 for second; $50 for third.
First-place Texas winners also receive a travel allowance for themselves and their family to attend the Texas division contest expo to be held at the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center in Athens on June 9.
Texas winners in the K–3 grade level division are: First Place, Allister Huang, Sugar Land; Second Place, Nancy Shao, Sugar Land; Third Place, Rohun Kulshrentha, Flower Mound.
Texas winners in the 4–6 grade-level division are: First Place, Erin Werner, Santa Fe; Second Place, Jin Lee, Plano; Third Place, Candice Ma, Sugar Land.
Texas winners in the 7–9 grade-level division are: First Place, Nasa Xu, Katy; Second Place, Sebastian Beil, Houston; Third Place, Josue Montemayor, Pasadena.
Texas winners in the 10–12 grade-level division are: First Place, GiGi Barker, Village Mills; Second Place, Peyton McCown, Willow Park; Third Place, Luis Castillo, Irving.
Honorable Mentions were awarded by the Texas judges to the following students.
Grades K–3: Austin Purvis, Corsicana; Codi Dulworth, Corsicana; Branch Brooks, Corsicana; Andrew Smith, Corsicana; Austin Naylor, Corsicana; Jeddie Barker, Village Mills; and August Herbrich, La Grange.
Grades 4–6: Kaufman Riddle, Corsicana; Bryce Harrison, Corsicana; Jennifer Li, Sugar Land; Daniel Pahutan, Richmond; Kayla Treviño, Richmond; Cassie Chen, Richmond; and Tanmay Karandikar, Coppell.
Grades 7–9: Tyler Jones, Warren; Sujal Manonar, Coppell; Charlie Neuendorff, Fayetteville; Loran Lockhart, Liberty; Shellby Salt, Stephenville; Kylie Ting, Sugar Land; and Kriti Sinha, Irving.
Grades 10–12: Jessica Seagroves, Dallas; Coreena Rego, Plano; Magdalena Bohanos, Liberty; Alexis Ambriz, Houston; Aubrey Clemens, Dallas; Holli Harris, Liberty; and Bonnie Leung, Spring.
The State-Fish Art Contest is a project of Wildlife Forever. Located in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, Wildlife Forever is a non-profit multi-species conservation organization dedicated to conserving America’s wildlife heritage. Working at the grassroots level, Wildlife Forever has funded conservation projects in all 50 states, committing millions of dollars to “on-the-ground” efforts. Wildlife Forever supports habitat restoration and enhancement, land acquisition, research and management of fish and wildlife populations.
EDITORS NOTE: Images of all first, second and third-place winners in the Texas division of the State-Fish Art Contest can be found at http://tpwd.texas.gov/newsmedia/news_images/.
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