Texas Game Warden Recognized by Texas Environmental Enforcement Task Force

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Note: This item is more than 11 years old. Please take the publication date into consideration for any date references.

AUSTIN — The Texas Environmental Law Enforcement Association (TELEA) has recognized Texas game warden Sgt. Robert Waggett as the state’s 2013 Environmental Investigator of the Year.

In presenting the award, the association noted that Sgt. Waggett has exemplified outstanding investigative skills and teamwork at an operational level. Working closely with the Houston Police Department Environmental Crimes Unit, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and many local and county agencies, the sergeant has handled numerous investigations of major environmental polluters.

Based in Houston, Sgt. Waggett is a seasoned 20-year Texas Parks and Wildlife Department veteran.

Additionally, TELEA has recognized TPWD’s contaminants laboratory staff, senior chemists Pamela Hamlett and Gary Steimentz, with the association’s Environmental Investigator’s Award in the non-commissioned category. Part of TPWD’s Inland Fisheries Division, the two chemists were singled out for their work in advising field investigators in sampling procedures and protocols, along with the laboratory analysis and reporting of evidence used in numerous environmental crimes investigations.

“As we see more demand on water, the need for clean water for both people and wildlife becomes more important,” said Grahame Jones, head of Special Operations in TPWD’s Law Enforcement Division. “Our environmental crimes unit, made of Texas game wardens, is dedicated to protecting our environment, especially, our state waters. Sgt. Waggett, along with Hamlett and Steinmetz, are extremely dedicated and TPWD appreciates TELEA’s recognition very much.”