Take Care of Texas Campaign Helps Texans Conserve Water During Drought, Care for Air, Water, Parks
June 4, 2013
Media Contact: Terry Clawson (TCEQ) Phone: 512-239-0046; Tom Harvey (TPWD) Phone: 512-389-4453
Country Music Star Kevin Fowler is Spokesperson in PSAs, Donates Song to Support Effort
Note: This item is more than 11 years old. Please take the publication date into consideration for any date references.
In a shared announcement today, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and Texas Parks and Wildlife unveiled a statewide public service campaign to promote outdoor recreation and encourage personal responsibility in protecting our state’s natural resources.
Country music star Kevin Fowler donated his talents for radio and TV spots, including writing and performing the campaign’s jingle, “Take Care of Texas,” which will be broadcast on Texas radio and TV stations throughout the summer.
“Kevin’s jingle is not only a catchy song, but it’s also a very noteworthy message,” says TCEQ Executive Director Zak Covar. “Through this statewide campaign, we hope that everyone who enjoys the abundant outdoor recreation opportunities here will do their part to conserve and protect those natural resources.”
“With the punishing drought our state has suffered in recent years, most people know how important it is to conserve water, and public education efforts like Take Care of Texas are absolutely vital to help get the job done,” said Carter Smith, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department executive director. “In poll after poll, Texans have consistently ranked water resources near the very top of public priorities. It’s important for people in cities, and it’s important for fish and wildlife, state parks and natural habitats—everything is connected, and we all have a role to play. Take Care of Texas provides quick and easy practical guidance for people to do what they already know is right.”
The PSA, as well as a video about the making of it, is available on the TakeCareOfTexas.org website. The website offers Texans easy ways to conserve water and energy, and includes an online calculator to estimate how much household water, energy, and money they can save by taking these conservation measures in their own home and garden. Everyone who takes an online pledge to help keep Texas clean will receive a free Texas State Park Guide in appreciation for their efforts.
All TCEQ news releases are available at http://www.tceq.texas.gov. To receive news releases and other newly posted information automatically, visit the Sign up for E-mail Updates on the TCEQ home page.
On the Net:
- TPWD News Roundup: http://tpwd.texas.gov/newsmedia/releases/news_roundup/take_care_of_texas/