State Parks Recovering from Recent Storms

Steve Lightfoot, 512-389-4701,

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Floods Damage More Than Half of Texas State Park System

Note: This item is more than nine years old. Please take the publication date into consideration for any date references.

AUSTIN— Torrential storms that have continued to hammer much of the state for more than a week now are leaving their mark on Texas’ State Park system. As of Wednesday, more than 50 state parks report some damage as a result of significant rainfall; about half those sites are currently either closed or partially closed to the public due to flooding.

Current information about park conditions, including links to images and videos, is available on the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department website.

“The safety of our staff and our visitors is our top priority right now,” says Brent Leisure, TPWD State Parks Division director. “Many of our parks remain operational and as conditions permit, we will be bringing our other sites back on line. Much of the damage is flood related debris and that takes time to clear. We’re heading into our peak visitation period and have all hands on deck to make our parks safe and enjoyable again.”

Visitors can check the status of their park reservations by contacting the Texas State Parks customer service center at 512-389-8900 or by contacting the park directly.

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