Lake Corpus Christi State Park to Host Kid Fish Event

ent--article_ _media__contact">Media Contact: Chad Bevenger, 361-547-2635,; Katy Schaffer, 512-389-8046,

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Note: This item is more than eight years old. Please take the publication date into consideration for any date references.

MATHIS – On Saturday, Jan. 30, kids can learn to fish with park rangers at Lake Corpus Christi State Park.

From 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., the park will hold its annual Kid Fish program for children ages 5 to12. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s Inland Fisheries Division will stock about 1,500 rainbow trout for the fishing event.

The program includes five hourly fishing sessions from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., during which time park rangers and volunteers will teach the youngsters proper fishing techniques and how to clean and bag their catch. No pre-registration is required, though registration for the fishing sessions begins at 8 a.m. the day of the event.

Kids will be provided with a free fishing rod and reel to use and keep after the event, thanks to the Ed Rachal Foundation and other area donors.

Kids can also participate in several other games and activities during the program. Food and drinks will be provided for participants. Park entry fees will be waived for all program participants.

After the event, fishing will be open to the public. No fishing license is required if fishing within the state park.

For more information, visit the event page or call the park at 361-547-2635.