LONE STAR LAW Premieres Tonight on Animal Planet

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AUSTIN – See what a mile in the boots of Texas Game Wardens is like tonight at 10/9c on the new television series, Lone Star Law, on Animal Planet.

The show features game wardens who protect more than a quarter-million square miles of deserts, lakes, piney woods, bayous, plains and coast. These men and women serve the citizens of Texas by providing professional law enforcement, water safety and search and rescue, while working to conserve and protect Texas’ natural resources.

Every day, game wardens encounter dangerous situations affecting both citizens and animals. At a moment’s notice, they must rush to investigate large-scale poaching cases, save victims from flash floods, disrupt illegal smuggling operations along the Gulf of Mexico and rescue injured wildlife.

See more about Lone Star Law on Facebook.

For a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the show, visit the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s YouTube page.