Balmorhea State Park Closes Sept. 3 for Maintenance Projects

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Note: This item is more than four years old. Please take the publication date into consideration for any date references.

TOYAHVALE— Balmorhea State Park is closing its gates Sept. 3 for continued park improvements scheduled to run through Spring 2020.

The closure of the park after Labor Day allows contractors and staff to work without impacting park visitors’ experience at Balmorhea. Projects include removal and replacement of the existing septic system, replacement of existing fencing surrounding the pool, additional roof replacements, continuing facility improvements in the campground and the San Solomon Courts, and repairs to the water control structure within the pool.

These new projects complement existing improvements currently underway at Balmorhea State Park. Once completed, visitors to Balmorhea will have an enhanced park experience at West Texas’ most treasured oasis.