Whooping Cranes Spotted on the Texas Coast During Annual Migration
Nov. 7, 2022
Media Contact: TPWD News, Business Hours, 512-389-8030
Note: This item is more than a year old. Please take the publication date into consideration for any date references.
AUSTIN — With the first sightings of iconic, endangered whooping cranes along the Texas coast being reported, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) is reminding Texans to be on the lookout for these impressive birds as they move through the state.
Janess Vartanian, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Acting Whooping Crane Coordinator, says that on October 21, a pair of whooping cranes were the first to arrive this season on Matagorda Island. Although this is a week earlier than last year, we still expect most will arrive in and around Aransas National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in December.
Once whooping cranes arrive on their wintering grounds, many stay in the same general area. Younger birds, however, often haven’t paired yet and may wander a little off their usual flight path, using areas quite distant from the Aransas NWR area.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has predicted Texas will experience a La Niña weather pattern for the third consecutive winter, prompting a warmer and drier winter across the Southwest and Gulf Coast. Vartanian says that an extended drought may prompt whooping cranes to seek out and use freshwater sources on the Aransas NWR and surrounding areas as winter progresses. The USFWS is encouraging landowners to consider providing freshwater on their properties as well to aid the birds during their migration and wintering period.
The public can help track whooping cranes by reporting sightings to TPWD’s Whooper Watch, a citizen-science based reporting system to track whooping crane migration and wintering locations throughout Texas. More information about Whooper Watch, including instructions for reporting sightings, can be found online and by downloading the iNaturalist mobile app. These observations help biologists identify new migration and wintering locations and their associated habitats.
Whooping cranes are the tallest, rarest birds in North America. Currently, there is a population of around 543 individuals. Thanks to coordinated conservation efforts, whooping cranes are slowly returning from the brink of extinction.
Whooping cranes make a 2,500-mile journey from their Canadian breeding grounds in northern Alberta’s Wood Buffalo National Park to the coastal marshes of Texas each year. The migration south to Texas can take up to 50 days.
During their migration, whooping cranes seek out wetlands and agricultural fields where they can roost and feed. The birds often pass large urban centers like Dallas-Fort Worth, Waco and Austin. Though whooping cranes rarely stay in one place for more than a day during migration, it is important that they not be disturbed or harassed at these stopovers. As a federally protected species, it is illegal to disturb or harass these birds.
With sandhill crane and waterfowl hunting seasons opening and whooper migration in full swing, TPWD urges hunters to be extra vigilant. Whooping cranes are sometimes found in mixed flocks with sandhill cranes, which are gray and slightly smaller. With their all-white body plumage and black wingtips, whooping cranes may also resemble snow geese, which are much smaller and have faster wing beats. A video detailing the differences between snow geese and whooping cranes can be found on the TPWD YouTube Channel.
There are several other non-game species that are similar in appearance such as wood storks, American white pelicans, great egrets and others, but a close look will reveal obvious differences. More information on look-alike species is available online.