Official Media Statement: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Commission Thank Texans Ahead of Expected Passage of Prop 14

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Note: This item is more than seven months old. Please take the publication date into consideration for any date references.

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission issued the following statement regarding the results of the November election where it appears voters overwhelmingly approved Proposition 14, a constitutional amendment that creates the Centennial Parks Conservation Fund. The fund, made from a portion of a state budget surplus, dedicates funds toward acquiring and developing state parks.

David Yoskowitz, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

“Today marks the beginning of a new chapter for Texas State Parks thanks to the unwavering support from the Texans who voted to adopt Proposition 14. This historic vote confirms the value Texans place on conserving outdoor spaces for the enjoyment of all Texans. We are grateful for devoted advocates like Texas Coalition for State Parks for their continued support of this important legislation. I also want to thank the Texas Legislature – especially Senators Tan Parker, César J. Blanco, Sarah Eckhardt, Lois W. Kolkhorst and José Menéndez, and Representatives Armando Walle and Justin Holland– for making this a priority and putting the amendment on the ballot. Thank you for helping us protect future spaces to hike, bike, swim, and conserve the natural heritage of Texas.