Texas Game Wardens Uncover Illegal White-Tailed Deer Smuggling Operation
AUSTIN – Texas Game Wardens have concluded an investigation that led to the arrest and conviction of two individuals involved in illegally moving captive white-tailed deer.
AUSTIN – Texas Game Wardens have concluded an investigation that led to the arrest and conviction of two individuals involved in illegally moving captive white-tailed deer.
AUSTIN – Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) and Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) received confirmation of one case of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in a Brown County high fence ranch, marking the first confirmed detection in the county.
AUSTIN—Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) received notification of a new case of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in a free-range white-tailed deer in Roberts County, marking the first detection in the county.
AUSTIN – As the four-day antlerless deer season, Nov. 28-Dec. 1, begins next week in 21 counties, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) reminds hunters to report their harvest using either the free Texas Hunt & Fish mobile app (for iOS and Android) or the Texas Hunt & Fish web page.
AUSTIN – With the white-tailed deer general season open, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) game wardens want to remind everyone about some practical safety and regulatory tips to ensure that hunters across the state have an uneventful yet successful season.
AUSTIN – Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) and Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) received confirmation of one case of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in a Kerr County deer breeding facility, marking the first confirmed detection in the county.
AUSTIN — Las lluvias primaverales que ayudaron a mitigar la sequía y los hábitats productivos han llevado a los biólogos a predecir otro año de abundantes oportunidades para que los cazadores llenen sus estómagos y congeladores con sus cosechas.
AUSTIN — Drought-quenching spring rains and productive habitats have led biologists to predict another year of plentiful opportunities for hunters to fill their bellies and freezers with their harvests.
AUSTIN – Texas’ 2024 archery-only hunting season for white-tailed deer, wild turkey and mule deer is set to begin Sept. 28 and will run through Nov. 1. Before Texans start filling their freezers, Texas Game Wardens have some tips for hunters to keep in mind before they hit the woods, high plains or fields.
AUSTIN — ¡Buenas noticias para los cazadores! Los biólogos del Departamento de Parques y Vida Silvestre de Texas (TPWD) anticipan una temporada excepcional de venado de cola blanca este otoño. La temporada 2024-25 de tiro con arco comienza el 28 de septiembre y los cazadores deben esperar tener buenos números de aprovechamiento y oportunidades para obtener venado de buena calidad.