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TPWD News Releases

April 3, 2009

Prolonged Texas Drought Impacts Wildlife

AUSTIN, Texas — Despite welcome rains in late March, much of Texas remains parched by prolonged drought of historic proportions, and wildlife die-offs of whooping cranes and deer have been reported. However, experts say native wildlife evolved to bounce back from drought, and a bigger issue is how human water use is changing the equation, and how drought underscores the need for water planning and conservation.

April 2, 2009

Texas State Parks, TPWD Programs Show "Life’s Better Outside"

Nature-based fun abounds for Texas families, from diverse and outstanding state parks to programs and workshops that teach fishing, camping, paddling and much more. But alongside this good news, a growing body of books and studies reveals a serious issue: today’s kids are losing touch with nature and that’s taking a toll.

Los Parques y Programas de TPWD: "La Vida es Mejor al Aire Libre"

Las diversiones en plena naturaleza son abundantes para familias texanas, de parques estatales diversos y extraordinarios a programas y talleres que enseñan la pesca, el campismo, el piragüismo, y mucho más.  Pero al lado de esta buena noticia, una creciente corriente de libros e investigaciones revela un tema muy grave: los niños se van perdiendo contacto con la naturaleza.  Eso les afecta físicamente y psicológicamente.

March 26, 2009

TPWD Seeks Modest Increase to Licenses, Boat Fees

AUSTIN, Texas — Most hunters, anglers and boaters in Texas could see a modest $2-$4 bump in license and boat registration/titling fees if a proposed 5 percent across-the-board increase is approved in May by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission.

Commission Adopts Sweeping Changes to Deer Regulations

AUSTIN, Texas — The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopted a series of wildlife and hunting related regulations that expand special buck antler restrictions and liberalize antlerless harvest opportunities in dozens of counties. The new rules take effect during the 2009-10 hunting seasons.

TPWD Proposals Would Increase Dove Bag, Extend Season

AUSTIN, Texas — Changes proposed for the 2009-10 Texas dove season include a 70 day season and 15 bird daily bag statewide, pending adoption of federal guidelines. Additionally, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department announced a proposal to move the South Zone opening to the Friday nearest Sept. 20, but no earlier than Sept. 17, which means it will open on Sept. 18 this year if approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in late June.

Tracy Large of Seguin Named Texas Wildlife Officer of the Year

AUSTIN, Texas — Game Warden Tracy Large of Seguin has been honored by the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) for his efforts in conserving America’s wildlife. Large was recognized as the NWTF’s Texas Wildlife Law Enforcement Officer of the Year at the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission meeting here March 26.

March 13, 2009

Game Warden Field Notes, March 13, 2009

The following are excerpts from recent Texas Parks and Wildlife Department law enforcement reports.

March 11, 2009

Dry Conditions Could Hamper Turkey Production, Hunting Prospects

AUSTIN, Texas — Continued dry range conditions throughout much of the state this spring could have a negative impact on wild turkey production and hunting prospects, according to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department biologists.

Feb. 20, 2009

TPWD Accepting Online Public Comment on Regulations Proposals

AUSTIN, Texas — In addition to presenting proposed hunting and fishing regulations at dozens of public hearings taking place around the state, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is looking to interact with constituents through an online public comment survey.