Exotic Species Possession and/or Transport Forms

Permits are required to possess or transport regulated exotic aquatic species, except as otherwise provided by regulations. For the complete rules, please see Texas Administrative Code Title 31 Chapter 57A: Harmful or Potentially Harmful Fish, Shellfish, and Aquatic Plants.

Certain possession and transport activities, for the purposes of disposal (i.e., private water intake cleaning, power/water infrastructure maintenance, and water body trash removal), may be conducted without a permit provided they follow these Best Management Practices.

Exotic Species Aquaculture Permit

This permit is for aquaculturists and individuals that culture/feed and sell whiteleg shrimp, tilapia, or triploid grass carp. Those that hold fish longer than 72 hours or in facilities that discharge should apply for this permit.

Permit to Stock Triploid Grass Carp

This permit is required for stocking triploid grass carp in both public and private waters. Owners of the water body (stock tank, pond or lake), their agents, or controlling authorities must obtain a permit before stocking triploid grass carp.

Exotic Species Aquatic Vegetation Removal Permit

This permit is for persons operating a mechanical plant harvester or who otherwise physically remove controlled exotic species of plants from public water in exchange for money or anything of value or persons unable to dry plants fully or contain them in black plastic bags prior to disposal.

Exotic Species Biological Control Production Permit

This permit is for facilities that produce biological control agents for the management of controlled exotic species of plants.

Exotic Species Interstate Transit Permit

This permit is required to transport controlled exotic species through the state of Texas. The point or origin and destination of controlled exotic species must be located outside the state of Texas. Offloading of exotic species in the state of Texas under this permit is prohibited.

Exotic Species Pond Stocking Sales Permit

This permit is only for individuals selling tilapia or triploid grass carp for pond stocking who do not hold fish longer than 72 hours or in a facility that discharges.

Request for Approval to Stock Tilapia in a Conservation Zone

Approval from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is required prior to stocking tilapia in private ponds in the designated ‘conservation zone’. Tilapia may not be sold to customers in the conservation zone without approval for stocking. Approval may be obtained by the pond owner or their agent (e.g., pond manager or tilapia seller).

Exotic Species Research Permit

This permit is required for individuals conducting research on controlled exotic species. A permit may not be needed to possess only preserved specimens. Contact the permit coordinator for clarification.

Exotic Species Water Spinach Permit

This permit is for individuals that culture, transport and sell water spinach. Permits are also required for culture for personal use.

Exotic Species Zoological Permits

This permit is issued for the zoological display of controlled exotic species. This permit does not apply to personal aquariums.