
Abilene Reservoir 2023 Survey Report media download(PDF 298.5 KB)

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Abilene Reservoir - 2023 Survey Report

Prepared by Michael D. Homer and Thomas Johnson
Inland Fisheries Division – Abilene District

This is the authors' summary from a 15-page report. For a copy of the complete report, use the download link in the sidebar.

Fish populations in Abilene Reservoir were not surveyed with the prescribed sampling schedule from Goldstrohm and Homer (2020) during the 2020-2024 survey period because of drought and low water level.

Reservoir Description

Abilene Reservoir is a 640-acre impoundment constructed on Elm Creek in the Brazos River Basin, and it is approximately 18 miles southwest of Abilene, Texas. The reservoir’s primary function is recreation, but it historically provided some municipal water supply to City of Abilene. In 2005, operation and control of the reservoir was transferred from City of Abilene to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) – Abilene State Park. The reservoir experiences extreme water level fluctuations and went completely dry in spring 2014. Between winter 2015 and the spring 2016, the reservoir filled to over conservation pool elevation. The reservoir water level has rapidly declined and was nearly 19 ft. below conservation pool elevation by spring 2024.

Management History

After TPWD – Abilene State Park took control of the reservoir, harvest regulations for Channel Catfish were changed to a no minimum length limit and a five-fish daily bag limit. Management stockings of Gizzard Shad and sunfishes were conducted in spring 2016 to reestablish the prey species community following reservoir refill. Following the prey species stockings, Bluegill, Channel Catfish, and Florida Largemouth Bass were stocked in 2016 and 2017. White Crappie were stocked in 2016. Largemouth Bass fingerlings were stocked in 2017 and 2021.

Fish Community

Management Strategies

Species will be surveyed with exploratory electrofishing once the reservoir is accessible and at ≥ 80% capacity as well as after fisheries recovery stockings are conducted.

Sport Fish Restoration Logo

Performance Report as required by Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act Texas Federal Aid Project F-221-M-6 Inland Fisheries Division Monitoring and Management Program

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