Dunlap Reservoir 2021 Survey Report (PDF 620.2 KB)
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Dunlap Reservoir - 2021 Survey Report
Prepared by Dusty McDonald and Greg Binion
Inland Fisheries Division
Corpus Christi District, Mathis, Texas
This is the authors' summary from a 35-page report. For a copy of the complete report, use the download link in the sidebar.
Fish populations in Lake Dunlap were last surveyed in 2018 using low-frequency electrofishing and hoop netting. These data will not be presented due to current reservoir conditions. In May 2019, the 91-year-old dam suffered a spillgate failure and the reservoir dewatered back to the historical river channel and fish populations were not surveyed during this report period. A management plan for the reservoir has been prepared and will be initiated once the dam structure is repaired (estimated dam construction year 2023) and the reservoir fills to conservation pool elevation. A habitat restoration and enhancement project is being led by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) with assistance from several project partners including the controlling authority.
Reservoir Description
Lake Dunlap is a 410-acre impoundment located in New Braunfels, Texas and is part of the Guadalupe River chain lakes. Its main purpose are water supply, hydro-power production, and recreation. The upper section is composed primarily of rock and gravel, while the middle and lower sections of the reservoir are composed of clay, sand, and silt. Habitat features included boat docks, rocks, flooded timber, and several native vegetation species. In May 2019, the reservoir dam suffered a gate failure, the reservoir was dewatered to the river channel. Guadalupe Blanco River Authority (GBRA) and the newly formed Lake Dunlap Water Control Improvement District (WCID) are working in close coordination to replace the dam scheduled for completion in 2023.
Management History
mportant sport fish include Blue, Channel, and Flathead Catfishes, Largemouth Bass, and crappies. The management plan from the 2018 survey report focused on implementing a creel survey to collect fisheries dependent data and stocking FLMB fingerlings to augment growth potential in the population and to maximize the production of trophy fish for this popular fishery. All sport fishes have been regulated according to statewide size and bag limits. In September 2021, the statewide regulation for Blue and Channel Catfish was modified to include no minimum length limit and only 10 fish of the 25- fish total daily bag may be ≥ 20 inches total length.
Fish Community
Due to reservoir conditions, fish community data are not presented in this report. Historical fisheries data are available in the Lake Dunlap Fisheries Management Survey Report (McDonald and Binion 2018).
Management Strategies
- Continue to manage sport fish populations with existing regulations.
- Work with GBRA and other project partners on habitat restoration and enhancement initiatives pre- and postreservoir refilling.
- Work with Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and other project partners to promote safety and improve general site conditions at the IH-35 public access location. Pursue funding opportunities (Boating Access Grant Program) and leverage partnerships to implement a boat ramp construction improvement project.
- When dam infrastructure is repaired and the reservoir refills, stock with sport fish and forage species.
- Maintain cooperative relationship with GBRA to monitor and control aquatic invasive species.

Performance Report as required by Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act Texas Federal Aid Project F-221-M-3 Inland Fisheries Division Monitoring and Management Program