Hords Creek Reservoir 2021 Survey Report (PDF 787.2 KB)
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Hords Creek Reservoir - 2021 Survey Report
Prepared by Jacob Wright and Michael Homer Jr.
Inland Fisheries Division
Abilene District
This is the authors' summary from a 32-page report. For a copy of the complete report, use the download link in the sidebar.
Fish populations in Hords Creek Reservoir were surveyed in 2021 by using tandem hoop nets, electrofishing, and trap nets. Historical data are presented with the 2021 data for comparison. This report summarizes the results of the surveys and contains a management plan for the reservoir based on those findings.
Reservoir Description
Hords Creek Reservoir is a 510-acre impoundment constructed in 1948 on Hords Creek in the Colorado River Basin. The reservoir is in Coleman County approximately 55 miles south of Abilene and is owned and operated by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Primary water uses included flood control and recreation. Hords Creek Reservoir has experienced long periods of drought broken by occasional heavy precipitation events. In 2015, the reservoir refilled, but water level has declined to nearly 12 feet below conservation pool elevation by June 2022. Habitat consisted of riprap, flooded terrestrial vegetation, and aquatic and semi-aquatic vegetation. Boater access consisted of three useable ramps. Bank fishing access was ample throughout the USACE park areas, and there were two handicap-accessible fishing piers.
Management History
Sport fish include Largemouth Bass, Channel Catfish, Flathead Catfish, and White and Black Crappie. Electrofishing was conducted to monitor trends in relative abundance and size structure for Largemouth Bass and forage fish. Hoop netting was conducted to monitor trends in relative abundance, size structure, and body conditions of Channel Catfish. Trap netting was conducted to monitor trends in relative abundance, size structure, and body conditions of White Crappie. Sport fishes have been managed with statewide size and bag limits.
The 2013 vegetation survey indicated that the majority of the lake had no vegetation and was classified as no vegetation. The most prevalent vegetation encountered during the survey was flooded terrestrial vegetation. During July 2013, water level increased 2.5 feet and increased the amount of flooded terrestrial vegetation present in the reservoir.
Fish Community
- Prey species: Forage was abundant and consisted primarily of Gizzard Shad, Bluegill, and Green Sunfish. Other sunfishes were also available. Gizzard shad catch rates increased. More than half of the Gizzard Shad sampled were desirable prey lengths and available to most sport fish. Bluegill catch rates have fluctuated, but they have increased since the prior survey. Consistent with prior surveys, most Bluegill were small and of vulnerable length to most sport fish.
- Catfish: Channel Catfish and Flathead Catfish were present. Channel Catfish were caught effectively with tandem hoop nets, but precision was poor and the sample size was too small to evaluate size structure confidently. Body conditions for most represented inch groups were poor to fair.
- Largemouth Bass: Largemouth Bass catch rates were similar to prior surveys surveys, and the relative abundance of legally harvestable fish was similar to the prior 2017 survey. Body conditions were fair to optimal, which suggested that prey availability was not an issue.
- Crappie: Black and White Crappie were both present, though White Crappie are more dominant. Total catch rates of White Crappie varied among the last three surveys, but relative abundance improved slightly since the 2017 survey. Relative abundance of legally harvestable White Crappie increased, and body conditions of most represented inch groups were optimal. Size structure in the 2017 and 2021 surveys were dominated by larger individuals. Black crappie catch increased since the last two surveys.
Management Strategies
- Electrofishing will be conducted in fall 2025 to monitor prey species and Largemouth Bass.
- Trap netting will be conducted in fall 2025 to monitor White and Black Crappie.
- Access and vegetation surveys will be conducted in summer 2025.
- Discuss, identify, and develop potential collaborative efforts for habitat enhancement projects.
- Media outlets, social media, and popular press will be used to inform the public of the threat and detriments of invasive species.
Performance Report as required by Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act Texas Federal Aid Project F-221-M-3 Inland Fisheries Division Monitoring and Management Program