Lake Wood 2019 Survey Report (PDF 991.6 KB)
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Lake Wood - 2019 Survey Report
Prepared by Greg Binion and Dusty McDonald
Inland Fisheries Division – Corpus Christi District
This is the authors' summary from a 15-page report. For a copy of the complete report, use the download link in the sidebar.
Fish populations in Lake Wood (H-5) were last surveyed in 2015 using electrofishing and trap netting and in 2016 using gill netting (Binion 2016). These data will not be presented due to current reservoir conditions. In March 2016, the dam structure suffered a gate failure and the reservoir receded back to the historical river channel. A management plan for the reservoir has been prepared and will be initiated once the dam structure is repaired (undetermined timeline) and the reservoir fills to conservation pool elevation.
Reservoir Description
Lake Wood (488-acres) was located on the Guadalupe River in Gonzales County, and was constructed in 1931 by the Texas Hydroelectric Commission. Its main purposes were for water supply, hydro-power production, and recreation. Angler and boat access was adequate with two public boat ramps; however there are no handicap-specific facilities at either location. Primary habitat consisted of boat docks, rocks, floating-leaved vegetation, emergent vegetation, non-native vegetation, and timber. In spring 2016, the reservoir dam suffered a gate failure and dewatering to the river channel ensued. Guadalupe Blanco River Authority (GBRA) has no current plans to repair the dam structure.
Management History
Important sport fish include Channel and Flathead Catfish, Largemouth Bass, and crappies. Blue Catfish have been stocked. The 2012 management plan focused on working with GBRA on the control of water hyacinth, monitoring water lettuce and East Indian hygrophila, and publicizing recreational fishing opportunity. Historically, the GBRA effectively controlled water hyacinth through contracted herbicide operations and winter lake drawdowns. Triploid Grass Carp were stocked in 2014 and were an effective control for hydrilla. TPWD monitored water lettuce and East Indian hygrophila, but neither plant was problematic. Angler harvest of all sport fishes has been regulated according to statewide size and bag limits.
Fish Community
Due to reservoir conditions, fish community data are not presented. Historical fisheries data are available in the 2011 Management Survey Report.
Management Strategies
- Continue to manage sport fish populations with existing regulations.
- If dam infrastructure is determined feasible to repair, work with GBRA on habitat enhancement initiatives prior to reservoir refilling. If the dam infrastructure is repaired and the reservoir refills, stock with sport fish and forage species.
- Maintain cooperative relationship with GBRA to monitor and control nuisance aquatic vegetation.

Performance Report as required by Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act Texas Federal Aid Project F-221-M-6 Inland Fisheries Division Monitoring and Management Program