2005-2010 Texas Wildlife Action Plan (TWAP)
See the current State Wildlife Action Plan for Texas.
The 2005 Texas Wildlife Action Plan's purpose is to provide a statewide “roadmap” for research, restoration, management and recovery projects addressing Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) and important habitats. “SGCN” include terrestrial, freshwater, and marine birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates (like insects, mollusks and coral), fishes, plants and plant communities. The goal of the Plan is ultimately to conserve and improve the status of these species and, as possible, prevent listings under the Endangered Species Act. The Wildlife Action Plan is a natural resources conservation plan for all of Texas, not just Texas Parks & Wildlife Department. This plan is in revision (2011).
Outline of the 2005 Texas Wildlife Action Plan
- Section I - Foreword, Executive Summary, Elements Guide (“Road Map”), Table of Contents
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- Section II - Introduction, Species, Habitat, & High Priority Conservation Strategies, Monitoring & Adaptive Management
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- Section III - Acknowledgements, Literature Cited, Glossary, Abbreviations & Acronyms
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- Section IV - Priority Species List, Med. Priority Conservation Strategies, Supplemental Species & Plant Information
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