Ecologically Significant River and Stream Segments

Armand Bayou

Map Location of Armand Bayou
Adapted from USGS Houston, Texas. 1975. Original scale 1:250,000

Figure 3. (a) Armand Bayou north of Bay Area Blvd and (b) a tricolored heron at Armand Bayou

Armand Bayou north of Bay Area Blvd






a tricolored heron at Armand Bayou






Armand Bayou

Armand Bayou is a coastal tributary of Clear Lake, a secondary bay in the Galveston Bay System, in southern Harris County. The bayou is often shallow and has a mean width of 40 feet that supports varying flow over a muddy substrate.3 This scenic natural bayou and associated riparian forest offer habitat for alligators, waterfowl, and other wildlife such as raccoons, bobcats, and river otters. Noteworthy bird species known to inhabit the area include; pileated woodpeckers, red shouldered hawks, barred owls, ospreys, and migratory songbirds. Several hundred acres of restored coastal prairie offer habitat for grassland species such as the sedge wren and Le Conte’s sparrow. The associated marshes that border the riparian forest provide valuable habitat to commercially and recreationally important species such as white shrimp, blue crabs, and red drum. In addition, the bayou also provides valuable recreational opportunities to local residents within an urban context. The ecologically significant segment is from the confluence with Clear Lake in Harris County upstream to Genoa-Red Bluff Road in Harris County.


(1)  Biological Function- significant riparian zone and associated marshes display significant overall habitat value.15,16,24

(2)  Hydrologic Function- performs valuable hydrologic function relating to flood attenuation for the Pasadena and Clear Lake areas.15,16,24

(3)  Riparian Conservation Area- fringed by the Armand Bayou Coastal Preserve and is a part of the Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail.

(4)  High Water Quality/Exceptional Aquatic Life/High Aesthetic Value- high aesthetic value for outdoor recreation within an urban context.
