Ecologically Significant River and Stream Segments

Clear Creek

Figure 20. Map Location of Clear Creek

Map Location of Clear Creek
Adapted from The Roads of Texas. Shearer Publishing, 1995.

Figure 21. (a) Clear Creek east of FM 1887 and (b) south of FM 3346

Clear Creek east of FM 1887







Clear Creek south of FM 3346







Clear Creek

Clear Creek begins north of Prairie View in North Waller County and flows southwesterly around Hempstead and joins the Brazos River in western Waller County. The creek’s relatively clear water flows swiftly over a sandy bottom through banks lined with bottomland hardwood forests, farmland, and extensive wetlands. The creek provides habitat for channel catfish, western mosquitofish, bluegill, green sunfish, longear sunfish, and a variety of minnows. The ecologically significant segment is from the confluence with the Brazos River in Waller County upstream to its headwaters north of Prairie View.

(1)  Biological Function- displays significant overall habitat value considering the high degree of biodiversity.15

(2)  Hydrologic Function- bottomland hardwood forest and associated wetlands perform valuable hydrologic functions relating to flood attenuation and water quality.15

(3)  High Water Quality/Exceptional Aquatic Life/High Aesthetic Value- high aesthetic value.15
