Ecologically Significant
River and Stream Segments
Lake Creek
Figure 32. Map Location of Lake Creek
Adapted from USGS Beaumont, Texas. 1978. Original scale 1:250,000.
Figure 33. Lake Creek at Old Egypt Road
Lake Creek
Lake Creek begins in Northeast Grimes County and flows 43 miles through Grimes and Montgomery counties into the West Fork of the San Jacinto River south of Conroe. The creek is narrow and shallow and follows a sinuous path through significant bottomland hardwood forest. The substrate is predominantly sand and the channel contains numerous sandbars. The meandering stream channel and associated riparian habitat support a diverse biological community of fish including gars, shad, minnows, suckers, catfish, pirate perch, western mosquitofish, dusky darters, silversides, sunfish, and freshwater drum.11 The ecologically significant stream segment is from the confluence with the West Fork of the San Jacinto River upstream to the Montgomery/Grimes County line.
(1) Biological Function- displays significant overall habitat considering the high degree of fish and macroinvertebrate diversity.11
(2) Hydrologic Function- bottomland hardwood forest and associated wetlands perform valuable hydrologic functions relating to flood attenuation and water quality.
(3) High Water Quality/Exceptional Aquatic Life/High Aesthetic Value- designated as an Ecoregion Reference Stream by the TPWD River Studies Program for high dissolved oxygen and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates2 and also displays high aesthetic value.15,24
(4) Threatened or Endangered Species/Unique Communities- unique, mature bottomland hardwood forest community containing significant riparian habitat (Goodson Pocket).15,16,24