Ecologically Significant River and Stream Segments
Nelson Creek
Figure 40. Map Location of Nelson Creek
Adapted from USGS Beaumont, Texas. 1978. Original scale 1:250,000.
Figure 41. (a) Nelson Creek west of FM 247 and (b) south of FM 3487
(a) |
(b) |
Nelson Creek
Nelson Creek begins northwest of Huntsville in West Central Walker County and flows northeasterly 18 miles into the Trinity River south of Kittrell. The stream channel is narrow and displays an excellent run, riffle, pool system with abundant woody debris and sandbars that provide habitat for a diverse biological community. The ecologically significant segment is from the confluence with the Trinity River in Walker County upstream to its headwaters northwest of Huntsville in Walker County.
(1) Biological Function- bottomland forest and stream display significant overall habitat value.24
(2) Hydrologic Function- bottomland forest and associated wetlands perform valuable hydrologic functions relating to water quality.
(3) High Water Quality/Exceptional Aquatic Life/High Aesthetic Value- high water quality and diversity of aquatic life dependent on water quality.24