Ecologically Significant River and Stream Segments
Trinity River (Upstream of Lake Livingston)
Figure 46. Map Location of the Trinity River upstream of Lake Livingston
Adapted from Texas Map. Gulf Publishing, 1998.
Figure 47 Trinity River east of FM 3487
Trinity River (Upstream of Lake Livingston)
The Trinity River upstream of Lake Livingston has steep muddy banks lined with elm, sycamore and willow trees.3 The river meanders through isolated areas and is fed by numerous scenic creeks that provide habitat to abundant fish and wildlife. The channel is wide and contains many sandbars that can be utilized for camping and day use.3 A variety of game fishes can be caught in this reach including freshwater drum, striped bass, white bass, yellow bass, flathead catfish, channel catfish, blue catfish, as well as a number of sunfish species. Also present are gar, shad, minnows, suckers, western mosquitofish, silversides, and dusky darters. The ecologically significant segment is from Lake Livingston in Walker/Trinity County upstream to State Highway 7 in Leon/Harris County. This is within TNRCC segments 0803 and 0804.
(1) Hydrologic Function- performs valuable hydrologic functions relating to the groundwater recharge of the Chicot Aquifer.20
(2) Threatened or Endangered Species/Unique Communities- one of the two largest populations of rare, endemic Texas heelsplitter remaining.9