Crab & Ghost Shrimp Regulations
Valid Sep. 1, 2024 through Aug. 31, 2025.
Note: It is unlawful to place, fish or leave a crab trap or crab trap component in the coastal waters of the state from February 21 – March 2, 2025.
- Crabs may be taken for personal use (bait or food). Crabs taken with recreational license for personal use may not be sold.
- A person taking or attempting to take crabs or ghost shrimp from salt water for non-commercial purposes is required to have a valid fishing license and a saltwater fishing endorsement.
- It is lawful to take, attempt to take or possess crabs (more information on crabs) and ghost shrimp by means, in numbers and of sizes only as described below.
Legal Devices
Visit Legal Devices, Methods & Restrictions for full descriptions of these methods.
- Crab line
- Crab trap
- Net
- Folding panel trap
- Sand pump
- Umbrella net
Other Devices
Devices legally used for taking of fresh or saltwater fish or shrimp may be used to take crab if operated in places and at times authorized by a proclamation of the Parks and Wildlife Commission or the Parks and Wildlife Code.
Crab and Ghost Shrimp Limits
Blue Crab
- Daily Bag:
- No limit
- Possession:
- No limit
- Minimum Length:
- 5 inches (Measured across the widest point of the body from the tip of spine to tip of spine)
- Exceptions:
- No more than 5% by number, of undersized blue crabs may be possessed for bait purposes only and must be placed in a separate container.
May not possess egg-bearing (sponge) crabs.
May not possess a female crab that has its abdominal apron removed.
Stone Crab
- Daily Bag:
- No limit
- Possession:
- No limit
- Minimum Length:
- 2 ½ inch claw (Measured from the tip of claw to first joint behind the immovable claw)
- Exceptions:
- Only the right claw may be retained or possessed. The body of the stone crab must be immediately returned to the water from which it was taken.
Ghost Shrimp
- Daily Bag:
- 20
- Possession:
- 20 per person
- Minimum Length:
- None