Shrimping Seasons in Bays
Bait Shrimping in Major Bays and Bait Bays
- Hours:
- 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset
- Limits:
- 2 quarts/person (with heads attached)
4 quarts/boat (heads attached) on boats taking shrimp with an individual bait-shrimp trawl
No count size restrictions
Shrimping for Purposes Other Than Bait in Major Bays Only
Spring Open Season
May 15 - July 15
- Hours:
- 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset
- Limits:
- 15 pounds / person / day (heads attached)
No count size restrictions
Fall Open Season
August 15 - November 30
- Hours:
- 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset
- Limits:
- 15 pounds / person / day (heads attached)
No count size restrictions