Proof of Sex
Valid Sep. 1, 2024 through Aug. 31, 2025.
Deer or Pronghorn
It is unlawful to possess a deer or pronghorn with proof of sex removed unless the deer or pronghorn has reached the final destination other than a Type 1 cold storage or processing facility and has been at least quartered. Proof of sex includes one of the following:
- the head (skinned or unskinned) of a buck deer with antlers attached, OR the tail and unskinned skull cap with antlers attached;
- the head (skinned or unskinned) of an antlerless deer, OR the mammary organ (udder) or vulva AND the tail if the deer is female;
- the unskinned head of a pronghorn; or
- a completed Managed Lands Deer Program (MLDP) Tag, Antlerless Mule Deer Permit, CWD Check Station Receipt, or TPWD Drawn Hunt Legal Deer Tag.
It is unlawful to remove the proof of sex of deer or pronghorn at a Type 1 commercial processor until the carcass has been entered into the cold storage logbook and the county and ranch of harvest has been recorded by the cold storage facility.
Pheasant or Wild Turkey
It is unlawful to possess a pheasant (where applicable) with proof of sex removed. The following is considered proof of sex and must accompany the pheasant or turkey until it reaches its final destination and is finally processed:
one leg, including the spur, attached to the pheasant carcass or the entire plumage attached to the pheasant carcass;
Wild Turkey
During a season in which the bag composition for turkey is restricted to gobblers only or gobblers and bearded hens, proof of sex must remain with the turkey, attached or unattached, until it reaches either the processor’s permanent residence or a cold storage/processing facility and is finally processed. Proof of sex for turkeys:
- gobbler (male turkey)
- one leg, including the spur or
- a patch of skin with breast feathers and beard attached
- bearded hen (female turkey): a patch of skin with breast feathers and beard attached
Exception to Proof of Sex
Instead of proof of sex, the hunter may obtain a receipt for a taxidermist or a Wildlife Resource Document (WRD) from the landowner or landowner’s agent containing the following:
- name of the person who harvested the wildlife resource;
- date the wildlife resource was harvested; and
- one of the following, as applicable:
- whether the deer was antlered or antlerless;
- the sex of the pronghorn;
- the sex of the turkey and whether a beard was attached; or
- the sex of the pheasant.