General Rules: Migratory Game Bird

Valid Sep. 1, 2024 through Aug. 31, 2025.


All harvested migratory game birds not in the immediate possession of the person who harvested them must be tagged with a wildlife resource document until the birds reach the possessor’s personal residence and are finally processed. If a hunter’s personal birds have been finally processed at a cold storage or processing facility and the hunter transports someone else’s birds, then a WRD must accompany those birds until they reach the possessor’s permanent residence. A person may give, leave, receive or possess (e.g. cleaning or storage) any species of legally taken migratory game birds, or parts of birds, that are protected by a bag or possession limit, if the birds are accompanied by a WRD.

All hunters must keep migratory game birds included in their bag or possession limit separate and identifiable from other hunters’ birds while in the field or during transport to the possessor’s permanent residence, unless accompanied by a WRD.

Processing of Migratory Game Birds

Except for migratory game birds processed at a cold storage or processing facility, one fully feathered wing or head must remain attached to dressed migratory game birds (except doves) while being transported between the place taken and the personal residence of the hunter, the personal residence of another person receiving the dressed birds or a migratory bird preservation facility.

Migratory game birds may be dressed for immediate cooking at a place other than a permanent residence (e.g., hunting camp). This does not include placing dressed birds in a cooler/refrigerator for later consumption while at a place other than a permanent residence.


When shipping migratory game birds, the package must be marked with the name and address of the sender, the name and address of the persons to whom the birds are being shipped and the number of birds of each species contained in the package.

Importation Limit

It is illegal to import migratory game birds belonging to another person into the United States. The number of migratory game birds imported from Mexico or Canada may not exceed the export limit set by the Mexican state or Canadian province from which they were taken. One fully feathered wing or head must remain attached to all migratory game birds imported from Canada or Mexico.

Emergency Rule Changes

These rules may be modified to make them consistent with federal regulations or to protect the wildlife resource through emergency action by the TPWD executive director.

Shooting Hours

  • One-half hour before sunrise to sunset except the Special White-winged Dove Season.
  • During the Special White-winged Dove Season: noon to sunset. See Sunrise/Sunset Computations.

Wanton Waste

A reasonable effort must be made to retrieve any killed or wounded birds and any wounded bird retrieved must be immediately killed and made a part of the bag limit. After retention, the birds must be kept in an edible condition.

Donation or Gift

A person may give, leave, receive or possess any species of legally taken migratory game birds, or parts of birds, that are protected by a bag or possession limit, if the birds are accompanied by a wildlife resource document from the person who killed the birds. For example, a document is required if the birds are being transported by another person for the hunter, or if the birds have been left for cleaning, storage (including temporary storage), shipment or taxidermy services. The document is not required of a person who lawfully killed the birds to possess the birds, or if the birds are transferred at the personal residence of the donor or donee. The document (which can be a hand-written tag) shall accompany the birds until the birds reach their final destination and must contain the following information:

  • the name, signature, address and hunting license number of the person who killed the birds;
  • the name of the person receiving the birds;
  • a description of the birds (number and type of species or parts);
  • the date birds were killed and
  • the location where the birds were killed (ranch and county).

Closed Areas

Unless otherwise specified, there are no open seasons on state wildlife preserves and sanctuaries, public roads and highways or their rights-of-way. More restrictive federal regulations may apply to National Wildlife Refuges open to public hunting.

Closed Seasons

It is a violation to hunt a migratory game bird or possess a freshly killed migratory game bird listed in these rules at any time other than as provided in the "OPEN SEASONS, BAG AND POSSESSION LIMITS" section. If no season is listed for a species, the season is closed.


It is unlawful to hunt from or by means of motor-driven vehicles and land conveyances or aircraft of any kind, except paraplegics and single or double amputees of legs may hunt from stationary motor-driven vehicles or land conveyances. It is unlawful to use motor-driven land, water or air conveyances or sailboats to concentrate, drive, rally or stir up any migratory game bird.

There is no open season for migratory game birds on public roads or the right-of-way of public roads.

Federal Regulations

For more information on federal regulations, contact: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 329, Albuquerque, NM 87103. Phone (505) 248-7889 or visit the USFWS website.