New This Year for Hunting

Effective September 1, 2024

Chronic Wasting Disease

Carcass Disposal

Doe Days

  • “Doe days” expanded in 43 counties in the Post Oak Savannah and Pineywoods ecoregions. Find a county.

Youth-only Seasons

  • Fall youth-only seasons expanded to include Friday for white-tailed deer, squirrels, and wild turkeys.

Wild Turkey

  • Mandatory harvest reporting within 24 hours of harvest is now required for all wild turkeys harvested in all counties during all seasons.

  • Updates to wild turkey season closures, bag limits, and season dates in specific counties. Find a county.

Light Geese

  • Changes to light geese regulations include removal of the Light Goose Conservation Order.

  • During the regular light goose season a daily bag limit of 5 in the aggregate and possession limit of three times the daily bag.

Federal Duck Stamp

  • Digital Federal Duck Stamps now available.

    Starting during the 2024-25 hunting season, Federal Duck Stamps either printed on physical licenses or validated on digital licenses meet the requirements for the entire waterfowl hunting season. Physical Federal Duck Stamps will be sent to the purchaser’s designated mailing address after March 10, 2025.

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