Pheasant2024-2025 Seasons & Regulations
Season Dates & County Regulations
General Season
- Panhandle
- Dec. 7, 2024 - Jan. 5, 2025
Bag Limits
Daily Bag Limit: 3 cocks
Possession Limit: 9 cocks
Upland Game Bird Endorsement is required to hunt pheasant.
Proof of Sex
It is unlawful to possess a pheasant (where applicable) with proof of sex removed. The following is considered proof of sex and must accompany the pheasant until it reaches its final destination and is finally processed:
- One leg, including the spur, attached to the pheasant carcass or the entire plumage attached to the pheasant carcass.
Exception to Proof of Sex
Instead of proof of sex, the hunter may obtain a receipt for a taxidermist or a Wildlife Resource Document (WRD) from the landowner or landowner’s agent containing the following;
- name of the person who harvested the wildlife resource;
- date the wildlife resource was harvested; and
- one of the following, as applicable: Whether the deer was antlered or antlerless; the sex of the pronghorn; the sex of the turkey and whether a beard was attached; or the sex of the pheasant.
Unlawful Means
It is unlawful to hunt pheasant by the aid of dragging of a cable, chain, rope, or other device connected to or between a moving object or objects.