Copyright Policy
© Copyright Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. No part of this work may be copied, reproduced, or translated in any form or medium without the prior written consent of Texas Parks Wildlife Department except where specifically noted. Permission is granted to republish, in whole or in part, the news releases on the TPWD site. Permission may be granted to redistribute other material in its entirety provided that the copyright notice is not removed or altered. No portion of this work may be sold, either by itself or as part of larger work, without the express written permission of the TPWD. This restriction covers all publication media including, but not limited to, CD-ROM. All other rights reserved.
If permission is granted, the wording "provided with permission of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department" and the date must be noted, and TPWD must be provided a copy of the final product.
Commercial Use: To obtain permission to reproduce the information (text or graphics) contained on the TPWD Web site for any commercial purpose, submit the specifics of your request in writing to Communications Division — Web Services Team Leader, Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, 4200 Smith School Rd., Austin, TX 78744.
Non-Commercial/Educational Use: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department information, drawings and/or photos of any kind can be used for "noncommercial and/or educational" usage as long as the following procedures are adhered to and the agency is given full credit for the materials.
All reproduced images (commercial or non-commercial/educational usage) must be accompanied by an appropriately placed Texas Parks and Wildlife Department credit line as follows: "Photo courtesy Texas Parks and Wildlife Department © 2006, (TPWD Photographer's name, if available (John Doe, TPWD)).
Reproduced information that is utilized verbatim must be accompanied by an appropriately placed Texas Parks and Wildlife Department credit line as follows: "Information courtesy Texas Parks and Wildlife Department © 2004, (author's name if available)."
Reproduced graphic/artwork that is utilized must be accompanied by an appropriately placed Texas Parks and Wildlife Department credit line as follows: "Artwork courtesy Texas Parks and Wildlife Department © 2004, (artist's name if available)."