Commission Agenda Item No. 12
Presenter: Ted Hollingsworth

Acceptance of Land Donation – Bexar County
Approximately 0.4 Acres at Government Canyon State Natural Area
January 22, 2015

I. Executive Summary: The San Antonio Municipal Utility District No. 1(the MUD), adjacent to Government Canyon State Natural Area (SNA), proposes to transfer approximately 0.4 acres to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) to simplify an existing access route.

II. Discussion: In 2012, TPWD acquired the 461-acre MaBe Canyon Ranch for addition to the Government Canyon SNA. Existing easements provided access to an inholding within the addition.  It was determined to be in the best interest of TPWD to consolidate those easements. In the course of consolidation, the existing access road was surveyed and was found to cross the property line of the SNA onto adjacent land owned by the MUD.  Rather than grant an easement over the small area covered by the access road, the MUD prefers to convey two tracts totaling approximately 0.4 acres to TPWD.

III. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:

“The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission authorizes the Executive Director to take all necessary steps to accept the donation of approximately 0.4 acres in Bexar County for addition to Government Canyon State Natural Area.”

Attachments – 4

  1. Exhibit A – Location Map
  2. Exhibit B – Vicinity Map
  3. Exhibit C – Site Map
  4. Exhibit D – Site Map Close Up

Commission Agenda Item No. 12
Exhibit A

Location Map for Government Canyon SNA in Bexar County

Location Map for Government Canyon SNA in Bexar County

Commission Agenda Item No. 12
Exhibit B

Location Map for Government Canyon SNA in West San Antonio

Location Map for Government Canyon SNA in West San Antonio

Commission Agenda Item No. 12
Exhibit C

Site Map for north Government Canyon SNA Showing Location of Access Easement

Site Map for north Government Canyon SNA Showing Location of Access Easement

Commission Agenda Item No. 12
Exhibit D

Close-Up Site Map of Subject Tracts Totaling - Approximately 0.4-Acres
Subject Tracts Shown in Red

Close-Up Site Map of Subject Tracts Totaling - Approximately 0.4-Acres - Subject Tracts Shown in Red