CP-010: The Role of the Executive Director in Relation to the Commission and the Public
The Executive Director is accountable to the Commission for the overall operation of TPWD. Except as otherwise provided by law or directed by the Commission, the Executive Director may delegate to any employee of TPWD except the issuance of agency policy as they find necessary to carry out the Executive Director’s assigned powers and duties.
- The Executive Director shall take the initiative in interpreting programs to the Commission, in suggesting new ideas or plans to the Commission, and presenting matters for Commission consideration.
- The Executive Director shall make recommendations to the Commission concerning the affairs of TPWD.
- Together with the Chair and the members of the Commission, the Executive Director shall be responsible for preparing agendas for Commission meetings and for preparing reports for the meetings.
- The Executive Director shall act as the official TPWD representative with the public and shall keep the public informed through reports to the Commission regarding the operations of TPWD programs.
- The Executive Director is responsible for informing the Commission of the federal and state constitutional provisions, statutes, and regulations directly affecting TPWD.
- The Executive Director is responsible for ensuring compliance with all Commission policies and state and federal laws and regulations concerning TPWD.
- The Executive Director shall notify the Commission of any instance in which their actions are at variance with federal and state laws and regulations and Commission policies.
- The Executive Director is responsible for exercising control over all divisions of TPWD, and appointing, supervising, and removing staff.
- The Executive Director shall keep the Commission advised of the financial condition and future needs of TPWD.
- The Executive Director, with the aid of the Commission or its duly appointed committee, is responsible for preparing the budget requirements and reports for the Commission to submit to the Legislature and for budgetary administration of all appropriations to TPWD, including federal funds.
- The Executive Director shall prepare and submit the state plans for services to be provided by TPWD programs in accordance with federal requirements and regulations.
- The Executive Director shall have authority to execute contracts on behalf of TPWD.
- The Executive Director is responsible for development of uniform guidance and operational procedures that comply with applicable state and federal laws.
- The Executive Director shall be responsible for developing and maintaining an adequate and qualified internal affairs office and internal audit unit. The Internal Affairs Office is accountable to the Executive Director for the investigation of certain departmental complaints, problems, and allegations of criminal misconduct. The Internal Audit unit is accountable directly to the Commission.
- The Executive Director shall be responsible for representing and explaining to the Commission public reaction to TPWD programs and administrative procedures.
- The Executive Director shall have authority to receive, acknowledge, and investigate complaints on behalf of the Commission under the Veteran’s Employment Preferences statute (Gov’t Code, Chapter 657) in order to facilitate the Commission’s final review and decision.
- The Executive Director is authorized to grant easements as described in CP-020 Authority of the Executive Director Regarding Easements.